If you are over 18 and like to sing, come and join us in the chancel choir. We practice on Thursday evenings at 7pm and we have a great time together. Don’t worry if you can’t read music, we can teach you. All you need is a joyful heart and a willingness to serve God through song. We practice well in advance so you will have plenty of time to learn new songs. It is a great way to help Pastor Steve in leading a worship service, and sing praises to our Lord and Savior. If you believe that God is calling you to serve in this way, we encourage you to join us on a Thursday evening and see if this ministry is for you. We have plenty of Sundays left to sing as we will be working on anthems through the end of the month of May.

Donna Fosbrink
Chancel Choir Director

If you like to sing, come and join our chancel choir.
If you enjoy singing, but your schedule precludes you from attending practices on Thursday evenings, our choir director will be looking to fill weeks of the summer special music slots. Please don’t wait to be asked. See Donna Fosbrink to schedule your week to share your special talent to the glory of God. We will be looking for people who will share two songs, one as an offertory and one as the special music of the week. Weeks available this summer 2024 will include June 2,9,16,23,30 and July 7, 14, 21,28 as well as August 4,11,18, and 25, also, September 1, 8 - (outdoor service).
Schedule your week now to share with us, please.